There are many ways you can use custom packaging to promote your product and increase customer brand awareness. Using a unique box style or shape to standout, even subtle differences will be noticed compared to every other standard shipping box or counter display. You can even ditch the bubble wrap and use a custom insert to create a WOW moment for your customers.

Unsure of how this can be utilised in your business? Well, let us share the story of My Buddy Box.

My Buddy Box wanted more than just a box. They wanted to create a feeling of comfort, where the recipient of one of their packages felt like they had received a warm hug. Really? Yes, we can help create the feelings of warmth, kindness and even a hug through a package.

We helped My Buddy Box design packaging that was thoughtful and mood-lifting. However, they needed packaging that was durable as well, as it needed to be posted as well as protect their items inside. Of course, in wanting to deliver a warm hug in a box, the interior of the packaging had to be something special as well, so that the person opening the box has a fabulous unboxing experience as well as placing an emphasis on My Buddy Box branding.

The packaging we designed was a box that was unique and impressive from the outside, so that when a customer first sighted the box it grabbed their attention. Their interest was maintained with a coloured inside, along with a message on the inside of the lid. This design was to achieve the ultimate unboxing experience for My Buddy Box customers, as well as ensure, that the Buddy Box message of being created for ANYONE was conveyed in the packaging, as well as its contents.

Our custom packaging makes it easy to add your brand and emphasis a better customer experience. Order in minutes, knowing we will take care of you and your brand right here in Australia. Simply follow this link to Contact us today or call 1300 97 88 55 to get your products noticed by your customers.