Over at the Geelong campus of Deakin University, their Architecture students participate in an annual event called “Paper Space”. Paper Space is the School of Architecture and Built Environment’s annual exhibition, showcasing outstanding work and talent from undergraduate and postgraduate students. It’s a chance to celebrate students’ hard work with friends and family, and, as the exhibitions are open to the public, it’s also great exposure for students and their careers.

So, how did we become involved?

The brief we received was to provide an interesting and durable, yet environmentally friendly option for displaying the students works.

Our solution was to provide honeycomb board for the main part of the display, which provided a strong and secure surface for the displays. We also provided cardboard columns for added support to the display boards.

Of course, being a display for the architecture department, they wanted some architectural design elements within their display. We achieved this by having the raw ends of the Honeycomb board exposed, enabling people to see the way the inner board is structured. And while this structure provides extra strength to the board, it shows similar ideas to those used in modern architecture when extra strength and durability is required.

We had so much fun working on this project and love being involved in custom designs. So, if you, or your company are looking for something special to meet your requirements, simply follow this link to Contact us today or call 1300 97 88 55 to get a quote for your own cardboard packaging solutions.