When a day on the farm is so much more…

When you think of a family-owned and operated business, you generally think of fish n chips, a corner store, or some little arty boutique… but what about a company that makes slices and has been going strong for over 35 years? Springhill Farm started out hosting school and kindergarten children for “a day on the farm”, where the day would finish with a muesli slice on the hay bales in the 1980’s. And it didn’t take long for people to start taking notice of the mouth-watering muesli slice being produced in the farmhouse kitchen.

A skip and a jump down the timeline, Springhill Farm is now a second-generation family-owned and operated Australian business that supplies some of the most tantalizing gluten-free and vegan snack options available. So much so, two of the biggest Australian airlines now offer their amazing slices as part of their snack menu.

Ahhhh…. we digress. The thing is, we get so excited when we get to work with a company that thinks as we do, we cannot help but get a little a flowery when we talk about them.

Inbox Group have been working with Springhill Farm for the past two years to help them create their unique packaging solutions. And whether it’s shelf-ready packaging or custom print product packaging we have been there every step of the way.

So, how has Nora Gordon, Brand Manager from Springhill Farm found it working with our team? “The Inbox Group staff are always really responsive and helpful with the (sometimes wacky) designs that we enquire about. They understand the printing requirements and are happy to make suggestions to get the most out of your designs.”

She went on further to say that “ordering couldn’t be easier, the way the quotes are formatted are very easy to read, we are very grateful to not have to wade through lines of text and jargon to find the important details for our order.”

And what about the design process?

In the instance of Springhill Farm, they want to tell the story of their brand and their products through their packaging. Whether they are promoting their Valentine’s range, or their specialty Easter Slices, each package has a unique offering for the end consumer. So, how does this work for Springhill Farm with Inbox Group? “We work with an external designer however most of the R&D work is conducted in-house; from there we go back and forth with the Inbox team until we find a solution that fits,” says Nora.

Of course, we also offer the services of our in-house designers to all clients. We can provide 3 and 4-dimensional mock-ups of products along with printed samples as required. Furthermore, our team is experienced in ensuring your brand voice is seen throughout your packaging choices.

But… alas not everything is perfection. While we always aim for 100% there can be print or plate errors. Nora attests to our responsiveness stating, “we have never experienced any large issues; every once in a while, we experience small plate movements, etc. (the usual stuff, nothing big enough for a consumer to notice), and the team has been very responsive to the feedback and keep a particular eye on these details next time.”

And what about packaging or design changes?

Whether it’s a colour change, a whole new plate design, or different material for the finished product, “Inbox has always been happy to work through the process with us,” says Nora. Our team are firm believers that design is a marketing tool like no other and our approach to design is always based around achieving an objective which is to influence people’s perception of your company, support existing branding, or create a new sales message.

When done well, strategic print design solutions have the capacity to make a business or organisation stand out amongst its competitors. People trust consistent branded items and packaging and customers recognise the colours of a brand known to them. Our design department specialises in concepts, prototypes, and refining your packaging requirements with your brand image and colours.

Would you like to add anything else, Nora?

“We would highly recommend Inbox Group to anyone. We choose to work with suppliers that share similar values and ethos to Springhill Farm, and we have definitely found that in Inbox Group. We enjoy working with them and the feedback that we have received on their printing and design has been great.”

As for our team on Springhill Farm? We love working with Nora and her team. We always have so much fun working on their quirky ideas and seeing the finished products leave our factory. We still get a little thrill every time we see the products on the shelves.

Our custom design and printed packaging make it easy to add your brand and emphasize a better customer experience. Order in minutes, knowing we will take care of you and your brand right here in Australia. Simply follow this link to contact us today or call 1300 97 88 55 to get your products noticed by your customers.