Social media marketing presents an increasing opportunity for vendors to connect with their consumers in ways that need to be integrated with conventional elements of brand strategy – including custom printed packaging.

To be successful in this space, brand awareness and product trust are very important.  Printed packaging is a powerful tool by which smart marketers can boost their online presence and create a loyal following.  Here are five of the most important aspects of custom packaging and how it can help boost your social media presence.


Unboxing – the act of opening a package – is viewed as part of the overall product experience. Sites like YouTube have created a new forum for the unboxing phenomenon, with vloggers generating an audience by filming themselves unpacking a product.

The trend is high among younger shoppers, with over 58% of Millennials (aged 25-38) and 80% of Gen Z (aged 24 and under) having watched an unboxing video.  The products most likely to be “unboxed” are electronics such as smartphones followed by footwear, personal care and luxury goods.  The challenge for the vendor is to create an unboxing “experience” that will hold the viewer’s attention for 2-4 minutes.  This includes the use of innovative design, luxury packaging materials and other “sensory” effects.

As packaging designers, Inbox Group can help you create a ‘narrative’ with several steps that lead to the eventual ‘WOW!’ moment of the final product reveal.


Ironically, the demographic most likely to want the ‘unboxing experience’ is also the most likely to challenge brand owners for over-use of packaging. Social media has created an unparalleled public medium to post critical reviews of products and unfortunately, this is much easier than sending an email or returning a product to a retail store.  It can have devastating effects on a brand’s popularity.

Here at Inbox, we work with our customers to ensure that their packaging is as environmentally sustainable and product-relevant as possible.  It’s a fine line: too much packaging and you risk backlash from people just waiting for an opportunity to be the next would-be Greta Thunberg.  Insufficient or unsuitable packaging, and your products will suffer in transit.

It makes economic sense to ensure that your products are correctly packaged.  There really is no point sending a box that’s 50% air or spending unnecessary money on fillers such as bubble wrap or popcorn.

Personalised Marketing

Social media platforms have created an interesting market for smaller businesses selling bespoke goods via e-commerce channels. With recommendations shared via social media much faster than conventional word of mouth, this new trend makes customers feel personally involved in the product. ‘Bespoke packaging’ that preserves the supplier’s core values, is available at short notice and in small quantities, is essential for making this business model work.  Talk to us at Inbox Group if you feel that your products suit the trend and could benefit from ‘personalised’ packaging. 


Brands have always used celebrities to promote their goods. There is a new class of individuals who consumers follow – social media influencers – many of whom owe their status solely to their activity on social media channels. The individuals with the greatest pull are those who influence young female consumers. 

Influencers promote a brand by sharing promotional photos or videos, becoming a brand ambassador and using specific hashtags. They also leverage their network with other social media influencers to rapidly expand a brand’s social media profile.

For this to happen effectively, custom branded packaging must be photogenic enough to capture the consumer’s interest in a single photo and align with the ‘persona’ of the influencer. Brands regularly send out personalised packs to targeted social media figures in the hope of gaining a mention on their news feed. Your business can also capture your target market’s interest with beautiful custom packaging.


Well-designed packaging can be a strong brand identifier.  The unique shape, colour, size and label make it stand out from your competitors.  Good packaging creates familiarity and gives consumers confidence in the product’s quality.  You can include all kinds of information on a package such as the date of manufacture and ingredients.  After all – the package is the first thing a consumer sees!  Make it memorable and immediately identifiable and your brand packaging will speak for itself. As e-commerce continues to expand, using social media as part of your marketing strategy just makes sense.

Choose your packaging wisely with the help of the packaging experts at Inbox Group and your product could become the next social media marketing miracle!

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